Sochi Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony

Dancers perform Dove of Peace during the opening ceremony of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

We’ve waited four years for this time to come again. The thrill and excitement of watching the 3,000 athletes compete against each other. Not only will people be watching the 22nd Olympic games, but the opening ceremony.

Friday, February 7, was the day of the opening ceremony for the Olympics. All of the countries walked out, displaying their flag, population, and number of athletes participating in the games. Meredith Vieira and Matt Lauer were happy to be at the Olympic Stadium giving information about the games before the ceremony officially started. “What’s finally arrives, a collection of athletes revolutionizing what the Olympics look like, sound like, what they feel like”(Bob Sheppard-opening ceremony).

There has been a lot of talk about if Sochi should be granted the privilege to host the games again. Arguments about politics, human rights, and the games in general took place. Many people don’t think that Sochi should be hosting the games this year. There has been protests about human rights before the games even begun, mainly having to do with sexuality. Russia’s harsh anti-gay law has been a disadvantage since the opening ceremony.  2007 was the last time Sochi hosted the opening ceremony for the games, and they were determined to prove to the world that this is where the Olympics belong. The stadium in Sochi is the only custom built stadium in honor of the ceremony. It can seat about 30,000 people. Has Sochi proven that this is where the Olympics belong?

During the opening ceremony, dancers were brought out. It is said that these dancers are a symbolism of power. Their elegance and originality could have been what represented power. There were many different and unique performances. One was a girl who was known as the “fearless” little girl.” She was another symbolism of power, mainly because of what she was known as.

At the end of the ceremony, after all the performers and athletes were brought out, the Olympic flag was raised and the torch was lit. Let the games begin.