By: Nicole Kazmierczak

Since the beginning of summer, a famous animal has been spotted roaming the intersection of Klein Road and Paradise Road. The “Klein Turkey”, as it has been nicknamed by locals, has recently become a famous character in East Amherst. The turkey developed a knack for disrupting traffic flow at the busy intersection, creating two groups of spectators with different feelings on the turkey and its activities. Some enjoyed the antics of the animal, citing it as providing a laugh and entertainment in the otherwise hectic rush to go to work or school. Others claimed it was a nuisance that created nothing but trouble and irritation for those who would rather be more prompt in arriving at their destination. No matter which side you choose on the matter, there is one undeniable fact — the turkey has, as of late, disappeared.

As the Klein Turkey began its public campaign for Turkey of the Year, it gained the disapproval of many residents. For some students who drive to school like Ann Marie Jones, the turkey was more of a safety hazard than a source of laughter. “As I was trying to drive to East, the turkey was just standing in the middle of the road, taking his old time. It was already pouring rain at that point which stressed me out further, because the light was about to change and I didn’t want to hit the turkey,” Jones said.

This image of the turkey is one viewed by many. There have been no accidents caused due to the troublesome trotter. Yet it cannot be said that the turkey was of much benefit regardless of the fairly light repercussions. For said turkey to have the audacity to stand in the middle of the intersection, gobbling at anyone who would listen, angered a large amount of drivers. Some drivers have even been spotted getting out of their vehicles just to return the favor by angrily gobbling back in an attempt to redirect the turkey out of the way of other vehicles. However, on the other side of the feather, there has grown somewhat of a cult following for this turkey.

The Klein Turkey has decidedly brought this community something new and exciting to look forward to when driving to the intersection of Klein and Paradise.  Even if one has not been able to witness the Klein Turkey live, chances are asking almost any resident about the turkey would result in a reaction. The reputation and the knowledge of its existence has grown over the summer as more and more stories of encounters of the feathered kind have come to pass. Sentiments of togetherness have been shared by many of East’s students such as Hannah Rohl, who feels that the turkey has brought our community together.

Similar feelings are held by student Jenna Staples, expressing her deep emotional connection to it. “All I know is that I loved that turkey with all my being. They were the heart and soul of this community,” Staples said. The Klein Turkey has heavily influenced this community, gaining fans and enemies from young to old. Becoming a local treasure was not hard for the turkey, which has only created a much more distraught reaction from fans of the Klein Turkey when residents realized that the turkey has not been seen or heard from for approximately two weeks. This prompted many messages of panic exchanged between the supporters as well as messages of dismay on social media at the thought of there no longer being a gobbling friend to greet you at the intersection of Klein Road and Paradise Road. Besides the initial fears of not seeing the turkey again, the biggest question mark remained over the wonder of where the turkey had gone.

Reports of the last spotting of the turkey included gruesome details like feathers in the street and a suspicious vehicle lingering in the intersection. This initially fueled fears of a “turkey-knapping”, causing widespread panic among those who loved the animal as well as some tender remarks from those who did not feel so heartfelt about the traffic trotter. The idea was almost too much to bear for so many who had grown fond of the Klein Turkey, and the troublesome thought caused rumors to bloom as to the whereabouts of this wild animal.

Natalie Marinides, a self-proclaimed fanatic, stated “He was a great source of entertainment for me this summer. Even if he was delaying traffic I didn’t mind.” She continued, citing the apparent disappearance of the turkey, “He will be greatly missed but I know he’s in a safer place now.” The Amherst sector of Animal Control is also uncertain of where the turkey has gone. They gave the statement, “The angry turkey has not been seen or heard from in about two weeks. It may have been hit by a car or snatched by a coyote, but at this time we are unaware of its location.” The Klein Turkey had become a local phenomenon over the course of a summer. Where the turkey is now will remain a mystery until further evidence surfaces. Until then, we can be comforted by the knowledge that wherever the turkey is, it is sure to be disrupting traffic at an intersection, bringing smiles and returned gobbles wherever it goes.


  1. What a wonderful article! I really enjoyed reading this stunning account of the playful pest that plagued our community this summer. I’m in-Klein-ed to believe that turkeys will continue to be prevalent, so perhaps there will be a follow-up article for a Klein turkey successor?
    On another note, the formatting for this article still needs a bit of tinkering 🙁 The wonderful photo is spaced such that it extends off into the red border of the website.

  2. It’s out and about now! I had never seen or heard of it. I told my husband that I was stuck at the intersection and he knew what I was talking about. So, I googled it and found this article.

  3. Actually, a lot of people have given him the nickname “Crazy Larry” due to his tendency t sit in the middle of the road and peck at cars. He seems to have a taste for jeep tires.

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