FBLA Goes Green

FBLA members present in front of a business class.

This week, members of Williamsville East FBLA completed the Teaching Green portion of the Program of Work, giving a series of presentations about going green.  These presentations were shown Accounting I classes in the business department. The main topic was on solar energy. The presenters showed a slideshow on how the school could implement solar panels at East.  They had an extensive presentation on what solar panels are and how schools all across the district could use them.  They also described the cost efficiency of solar panels relative to traditional methods of energy; while solar panels have a high initial fee, they generate free energy for people or organizations that use them. Overall, the Teaching Green group gave a great presentation on the basics and benefits of solar energy and proposed a real plan Williamsville East could implement in bringing green energy to our school. Teachers were so impressed they suggested taking the presentation to the Williamsville Board of Education to perhaps get the ball rolling on renewable energy integration in our school district.

This is part of the FBLA Program of Work, which sets tasks for FBLA chapters to do.  Chapters not only get awards and prizes from the state but also give back to the community.  FBLA members can participate in a variety of activities.  Not only do they talk about ecologically friendly solutions, but they also plant trees in neighborhoods across Buffalo in the Spruce It Up campaign.  FBLA members can also write articles in the Express (New York State FBLA’s official publication) or local newspapers for Perfect Press and take photos for FBLA for Snap Shot.