Clay Aiken’s Opponent Dies


On May 12th, Keith Crisco, Clay Aiken’s opponent for the Democratic nomination in the 2nd South Carolina Congressional District passed away. The 71 year old Crisco was found dead in his home, and Aiken announced that his campaign will, for the time being, be suspended to honor his dead opponent.

Crisco is believed to have been killed by a fall.

Said Aiken in his press release: “I am stunned and deeply saddened by Keith Crisco’s death. Keith came from humble beginnings. No matter how high he rose — to Harvard, to the White House and to the Governor’s Cabinet — he never forgot where he came from.

He was a gentleman, a good and honorable man and an extraordinary public servant. I was honored to know him. I am suspending all campaign activities as we pray for his family and friends.”

Republican incumbent Renee Elmers also expressed her sadness at Crisco’s death: “I am deeply saddened by this sudden and painful tragedy and wish God’s blessings for Keith’s family through the coming days. His kindness and dedication to his principles were models we should all strive toward, and he will be dearly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with Keith’s family, friends and loved ones during this difficult time.

Aiken was beating Crisco by nearly 400 votes, with 400 out of state ballots still waiting to be cast. Apparently, Crisco planned to cede the nomination to Aiken. He is now the default nominee to run against Elmers.

He will be a long shot to win in the heavily red district, where Elmers in popular.

by Alex Marinides