Carry the Torch: Mrs. Zelasko


by Mrs. Fanara-Mauro

I thank Mrs. Faracca so much for handing me the torch back in June. I’ve had it way too long and will be passing it on, this was a very difficult decision because there are so many wonderful, dedicated teachers here at East. I am passing the torch to Mrs. Zelasko because she is very dedicated to enlightening her students by making Earth Science and Biology so much fun for them. She is very approachable and always has a smile on her face. She’s kind, funny, easy and fun to talk to and has a great sense of humor. Mrs. Zelasko devotes many free periods to helping students in need of extra help and has been there for both my children, who enjoyed learning from her. Mrs. Zelasko is a great example of what each letter of the torch stands for and that is why I feel she deserves this honor. Congratulations, Mrs. Zelasko!