Saturday, March 8, 2025

Upcoming School Spirit Days

One of the numerous changes to this school year was having no homecoming week in September. However, the student council decided to organize school spirit events for when the kids in the hybrid instructional model return to East. It is set up so both cohorts A and B will be able to experience the same spirit days.

Those We Forget Online

Having an equitable learning environment is incredibly important to me. My brother is on the autism spectrum, and remembering the amount of extra time he needed to take tests, the amount of access he needed to discuss concerns with a teacher privately, and the encouragement and joy he derived from some truly fantastic teachers at Williamsville East High School, I am deeply concerned about the community of students like my brother whom are in an online learning platform that is non conducive to the learning these students need right now.

An Outsider’s Perspective

Oftentimes when we go through a school system with nothing else to compare it to, the experiences can get blurred. Many of the everyday things become boring when we get used to them. This happened to me before I switched from a charter school in New Hampshire to Williamsville East High School this summer. However, with a fresh set of eyes, I’ve been able to see some of the unique and interesting aspects of Williamsville East that makes us all lucky just for being able to attend. Yes, even though we have been forced to pursue online schooling, I still feel that the experience at East is special and noteworthy.

How to Join Girl Up! (Pandemic Edition)

Hi East! We are Amanda Ojeda and Colleen Meosky, the co-Presidents of Girl Up. Mrs. Fey-Daly is our awesome supervisor. Girl Up consists of over 4,000 clubs and groups spanning through 125 countries, including our club at the school! Prior to this year, Girl Up has been an integral club in the Williamsville East community. However, due to the pandemic, we are currently in the process of reinstating Girl Up as an official virtual club.

East Builds New Digs for the Music Department

This March, the Williamsville Central School District broke ground on East’s new music wing. Active planning for the project began in 2018, and the music department expects to welcome all chorus and orchestra students into their newly renovated spaces by September 2021. Additionally, the band room will be renovated next summer. Here’s what Dr. Shewan and Ms. Reilly, soon-to-be residents of this beautiful music wing, had to say about this $7.1 million project:

Reset, Relaunch, Return: What Back to School Looks Like This Year

Superintendent Dr. John McKenna explained that the hybrid and remote learning plans are not equitable and need to be reformed immediately, stating, “We need to take a step back in order to take two steps forward.”

How COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Our Jobs

As CoronaVirus spread worldwide earlier this year, many people had to change their working styles. I interviewed four people, David Cheon (junior) who attends WEHS, Rachel Rosenthal, senior, who has a part-time job, Mrs. Korn, who teaches chemistry at WEHS, and Yasu who works at UB, and asked them five questions. Let’s hear what they had to say.

The New Norm: Life in Quarantine

Many people have been dealing with both quarantine and coronavirus/ covid-19 respectively in many different ways, shapes, or forms. The few people interviewed about it during quarantine had much to say about it. Plenty of both good and bad have come out of the quarantine.

Zooming with the Stars: How Teachers Are Coping with Remote Learning

The past few weeks of quarantine have passed in a flash, and with that, there have been countless, unprecedented changes to our daily lives. As students, we have had to adapt in many different aspects in order to balance online school with the rest of our activities. Just the same, teachers have to manage these changes in their lives. Here’s what a few of our teachers at East have to say about how the current global pandemic has impacted their daily lives and careers.

American Communities and Businesses Struggle to Keep Afloat Financially

Rocked by the ongoing COVID-19-pandemic, American communities and businesses struggle to keep afloat financially and adapt to shifting social norms. The many effects of the virus reach far beyond the area of public health, dramatically altering the very way that Americans go about their daily lives.

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