Hands Around the World Club


The Hands Around the World Crew collecting items for the homes of five refugee families.

Hands Around the World is Building Homes – and Lives
by Daniel Krieger

Desperately waiting for your next opportunity to get hot chocolate and give back to the world in one fell swoop? Don’t fret, Hands Around the World will be selling hot chocolate in the Commons this month!
Mr. Dalessandro, Hands Around the World advisor, said that he thinks they will be selling hot chocolate in the Commons this March, but he is unsure what the money will be donated to at this moment.
Hands Around the World is a group that gives students at East the opportunity to reach out to and to learn about others in our community as well as across the world. They meet every second and fourth Wednesday of each month after school in Room 322. They are open to accepting members year round, and there are currently between twenty and thirty students involved. Members of the club do most of the planning, such as choosing which fundraisers and organizations they work with, and when they do what.
Mr. Dalessandro, the club advisor, said that the club is important because it “helps students understand the need of people in our community and around the world.”
Other than the hot chocolate sale, Hands Around the World has other things planned. They are working with the organization Habitat for Humanity to build a house in Buffalo. They plan to do this over the spring break. Students will be hands on involved in the construction of the house.
Habitat for Humanity, through building homes, is improving the lives of people around the globe. They have built homes in many different areas across the world such as North America, Latin America, the Pacific, and Africa. They build homes that are specifically designed to match the local culture, while maintaining a low cost for materials. Their main focus when building a home is to meet the need of the family they are building it for, and to keep it as affordable as possible. In North America, the houses built are usually around 1,000 square feet.