Colorado High School Shooting

Araphoe High School is the scene of tragedy in yet another school shooting.

A few days ago, another school shooting happened in this nation.  At Araphoe High School Colorado,  high schooler Karl Pierson shot two students, one of whom is in serious condition, before killing himself. His motive was revealed to be to kill a teacher,  who escaped from the scene unharmed.  Ironically, the scene of the crime was just 8 miles from the site of the Columbine shooting.  This has once again stirred the gun debate, as many innocent people were killed in the mass shooting, and this has once again stirred up a national outcry.  The shooting came just one day before the anniversary of another horrible school shooting at Sandy Hook.  

The gun debate is a very complex issue.  Some democratic groups call for more regulation on the use of guns.  The argument is that without guns, murderers are stifled and cannot commit heinous acts like these.  There arguments involve increasing background checks, curbing the most dangerous weapons, and lessening the maximum number of rounds.

On the other side, right groups and the National Rifle Association oppose the regulation of guns.  To quote Wayne LaPierre, “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”  They believe that shootings such as this one could have been stopped by taking actions such as arming teachers.  There argument is that criminals will always get guns no matter what we do.  Therefore, we should make everyone safe with a gun.

Both of these are valid viewpoints.  We shall continue to see gun violence in the future, and how to deal with it is a very important topic.