Big Step in Euthanasia Technology


By Philip Bailargeon

The proclaimed euthanasia activist, nicknamed “Dr. Death,” has made a major breakthrough in the sector of assisted suicide, developing the world’s first 3D-printed euthanasia machine. This development was based in Australia, a country in which Dr. Nitschke fought for the right to perform such an operation, with the help of engineer Alexander Bannick in the Netherlands. The machine is named Sarco, featuring a detachable coffin and access to an online mental health questionnaire to receive the four digit passcode. Once the passcode is entered, liquid nitrogen fills the chamber, initiating a peaceful death. The open source design is available online now, meaning it can be assembled anywhere in the world for no cost but the material .

Due to the expanding population of elderly people in assisted care and people suffering from terminal diseases, Dr. Nitschke took matters into his own hands. He is now the director of Exit International, a pro-euthanasia organization, and aims to make the last moments of life more peaceful, painless, and dignified than ever.