Friday, July 26, 2024

The False Promises of Autopilot

In recent years, the possibility of autonomous cars dominating one of the many norms of having humans control a car in our status quo has risen to stakes where companies are investing billions of dollars to make lives much more manageable. Autonomous cars aim to provide enhanced safety. These cars, incorporated with AI, sensors, and cameras, have the potential to significantly reduce road accidents by eliminating human error. They also aim to provide a relaxing driving experience and an experience where the driver no longer has to worry about traffic congestion, maintaining a safe speed, and parking.

Real-Life Draculas: The “Bloody” Fascinating Tales of 5 Vampiric Creatures

Evil blood-sucking creatures like the Count are completely fictional… right? Well, a couple of animals out there would beg to differ. Evolution presented them with the blessing or curse (depending on your perspective) of feeding on blood or cannibalizing their fellow species members in order to survive. Following are the stories of 5 regrettably real animals who might not be out for your blood specifically, but will certainly leave you with a fair amount of goosebumps blood-sucking creatures like the Count are completely fictional… right? Well, a couple of animals out there would beg to differ. Evolution presented them with the blessing or curse (depending on your perspective) of feeding on blood or cannibalizing their fellow species members in order to survive. Following are the stories of 5 regrettably real animals who might not be out for your blood specifically, but will certainly leave you with a fair amount of goosebumps.

Legendary Pfc. Desmond Doss: Fighting Okinawa Without A Gun

Private Desmond Doss—serving in the 2nd Platoon, Company B , 1st Battalion, 307th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division, and stationed in Okinawa’s Hacksaw Ridge—walked into one of the bloodiest battles in World War II with no weapon to protect himself, only his Bible and faith for God. Saving nearly 100 men with a maimed leg and shattered arm alone—making him one of the most influential medics in history—Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor and a Purple Heart for his valor and heroism. 

Emma Rotor: A Woman Behind Weaponry in World War II

By Emma Wu Bombs are one of the primary weapons used in wars. In World War II, the Allied powers dropped over 3.4 million tons...

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