Saturday, March 8, 2025

Math Club Celebrated Pi Day with East

Williamsville East’s math club hosted their annual pi day meeting in March to honor the well known mathematical symbol. Mrs. Yermas, the club’s advisor, had various exciting activities planned to celebrate the holiday.

East’s Tech Department

by Bryan Turton     The tech department is a favorite to a lot of students at Williamsville east, the hands on experience, the diversity, and...

The Cytoplasm of East

By Mucteba Gokcek The IMC is definitely a department that gets overlooked in it’s importance. The IMC is very similar to the cytoplasm of a...

Girl Up Club Brings Relationship Violence Victim Speaker

by Hannah Yi 1 in 3 students are victims of teen relationship violence. Girl Up members are ready to change this statistic. Attendees of the...

Coronavirus and End-of-Year Exams

Coronavirus has shaken up virtually everything in our society, from business to general social life. School systems nationwide have been hit especially hard, with...

Catching up with East students

These days there seems to only be one thing in the papers, on the news channels, and on everyone’s minds: COVID-19. From quarantine memes taking over social media to TV show hosts turning to YouTube, we can see how there is a collective effort to bring about a sense of normalcy along with doing the best we can to help people who have been affected by the pandemic. With schools closed and activities cancelled, we decided to turn to our very own Williamsville East students to see what they are up to and hear what they have to say about the situation.

Join Art Club and find your inner artist!

by Samantha Higgins Due to the closure of Williamsville schools, any dates mentioned are postponed. Art is freedom, and everyone should be encouraged to explore that...

Amnesty International seeks to better the world community

by Grace Speller One of the lesser-known clubs at East, Amnesty International’s primary goal is to free all political and religious prisoners as well as...

Sibling Interactions Different Under Quarantine

By Colleen Meosky There’s no doubt that siblings can make life harder. I can fully attest to this fact with six siblings of my own...

A Behind-the-Scenes of the Social Studies Department

By Elise Yu Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” Here at Williamsville...

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