Sunday, March 9, 2025

Keeping the WE Flames Going with Winter Sports

The winter season is coming in fast! Take a step back from the Zoom-infested computers and play a sport. Let’s DIVE in.

Girl Up Meets Olympic Gold Medalist, Emily Pfalzer!

The Olympic gold medalist shared her experiences and the trials and triumphs of being a professional female hockey player.

Don’t Let the Yearbook Burn Out

Without the pictures that we usually would gather, we can’t include the memories. So, we need everyone to participate and gather photos from home.

Girl Up Sends 1050 Cards to WNY Community

This December, Girl Up asked East to help send cards to share some festive cheer and show our community’s generosity toward those in need. We set a goal of 385 cards to send to the residents and staff at Buffalo City Mission’s Cornerstone Manor. Thanks to everyone who participated, we were able to pass our goal with flying colors!

Hey, Siri, what’s Williamsville East’s favorite takeout?

Siri: According to my calculations either a burrito, pizza, or chinese food.

How East Celebrates the Holidays and Winter

I sent out a survey asking students and teachers to tell us their favorite aspects of the holiday season. Here’s what December looks like for East, according to the 150 responses we received.

My Pandemic Problem

Last year at the end of October, my dad came home with news that my family and I may move to America for his job.

What is East’s Taste in Music?

The survey yielded many interesting results, such as East’s avid hatred of bluegrass, and the responses truly opened my eyes to just how incorrectly the name Metallica can be spelled.

Join Girl Up’s Holiday Cheer

Happy holidays, East! While we can’t be together in person this holiday season, the Williamsville East community can still spread some joy this month for the less fortunate. Girl Up has started its holiday community work, and we invite everyone to join us.

A Check-In on Ally Meetings

How do you stay motivated to be present in school when you’re not even physically there? And how do you stay connected to others when interaction has been replaced by monotonous hours spent in front of a computer? That’s where Ally meetings come in.

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