Thursday, March 6, 2025

East to Add Cooking Course in 2027-2028

The Williamsville Central School District Board of Education recently reported that they will be adding a cuisine course in the 2027-2028 school year. This course will be considered an art course, fulfilling the art credit graduation requirement.

Williamsville East High School to Cut Many AP Classes

Unfortunately, Williamsville East High School is no longer able to offer many of their AP classes. This is a tragic event, for Williamsville East has always been known for their academic excellence and wide range of AP offerings.This will have a great toll on student life here at East and will have a massive impact on student’s lives following graduation from East.

East to Add Feminist Literature Class

The Williamsville East guidance department, thanks to proposals from the English department, intends to add a Feminist Literature course to the catalog starting in the 2025-2026 school year. The course will cover written works with feminist rhetoric and involve class discussions, essays, a creative writing assignment, feminist poetry, and—obviously—annotated reading.

Walls to be added to East High School

The Williamsville Central School District Board of Education has disclosed information regarding Williamsville East High School’s building layout. It is rumored that the school will be adding walls to most of its classrooms.

Huber Endorses Hubucks: The Putzer Piece of the English Department

Many students have either seen or heard of the iconic “Hubuck,” an AP English Language project turned into a schoolwide craze. Many students have been keen on getting their hands on one of these limited edition Hubucks. 

Williamsville East Blacklisted at Four Ivy League Universities As Students Fail to Follow ED...

As the Class of 2024 is finishing up their college application season, new information has been released by the Guidance Department. Due to many students failing to follow the proper rules for an Early Decision Application, many top Ivy League Universities have blacklisted Williamsville East High School.

Prince Philip Caught With a Cultural Artifact to Gain Immortality (April Fools Edition)

A major scandal has rocked the United Kingdom once again. The BBC has reported that Prince Philip has been caught at an unknown location in the Middle East with the Holy Grail. Reports say that Prince Philip used the Grail to achieve immortality. The Grail was reported stolen after an American archaeologist was last seen with it in the 1930s. Buckingham Palace has quickly issued a statement saying, “We strongly deny any accusation made against Prince Philip that he achieved immortality through stealing a cultural artifact.” In June, Prince Philip turns 100 years old and people have often asked how he has achieved his level of longevity. It seems that people finally have the answer to that question, stealing cultural artifacts. Given that he is a member of the Royal Family, Prince Philip cannot be charged with a crime.

Lorde Announces Lead Single off of Much-Awaited New Album (April Fools Edition)

After much wait (nearly four years), Lorde is releasing the first single from her new album. With her last studio album, Melodrama, being released in 2017, many fans have been clamoring for content since. Due to many artists opting to announce and release albums online during the pandemic, fans have been hoping Lorde will follow suit.

Genshin Impact Announces Removal of Pity System (April Fools Edition)

Since its debut in September, Genshin Impact has amassed a dedicated playerbase of almost forty million active players. Part of what brings in these players are the 5 star characters. Headed by an intriguing story of mystery and betrayal, especially in the second act of the Liyue chapter, starring 5 star characters as Zhongli, Xiao, and Ganyu. Solely on mobile, these three Liyue featured characters brought in over $45.4 million in revenue for miHoYo.

Vtubers Incite Worldwide Bank Robbing (April Fools Edition)

Vtubers, a subcategory of YouTubers who use 2D anime characters as an identity, have recently taken the internet by storm. The majority of their earnings come from “superchats”, comments that can be paid to be put front and center on a live chat feed. These comments, upwards of 500$ at once, add up quickly and have made Vtubers millions, mainly for the COVER Corporation’s “Hololive” Vtubers whose clips and iconic personalities have brought in millions of fans. As of writing this article, Hololive Vtubers hold all of the top 5 spots in superchat earnings with each of the top 5 earning over 1 million dollars. It has recently come out that to earn all this money, multiple bank robberies across America and Japan have been committed in the name of these anime girls.

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