WCSD Board of Education Generously Revised Next Year’s Schedule Yet Again

Image: iStock

By Charlie Levin

At the Community Forum on March 26th, the Williamsville Central School District Board of Education made more changes to an already-amended calendar for next year. In the latest version, the board added some more days that we will have off next year. And now, after even more additions, it is as if we don’t really have school at all. 

Starting at the beginning of the year, we have a Labor Day two-week break so all students can get prepared for the school year ahead. Later, we have two weeks off for Halloween and adjacent celebrations. In November, we now have a college-length winter break, spanning from the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving until the end of January. 

In February, we have school for the entire month, but we have almost none in March. On the first, we have off for self-injury awareness day, which is a real thing. Then, from the 13th through the following weekend, we have COVID remembrance week. And to close out the month, we have the end of March and the whole month of April for spring break.

On May 1st, we have an in-school assembly for World Password Day. The 4th we have off for Star Wars Day. The weekend of the 10th is lengthened, extending through Monday, due to National Golf Day. Memorial Day through the 10th of June is Regents Prep.

And, of course, throughout the year, remote Wednesdays are back.