Sources of Strength “Wear the Colors of the Wheel” Day


By Philip Baillargeon

Source: Sources of Strength

This has been a remarkably difficult school year, which makes it all the more important to celebrate its successful completion. On Tuesday, May 25th, and Friday, May 28th, let’s celebrate this achievement by wearing the colors that represent our greatest Source of Strength that has carried us through.

Some possible choices of colors are orange for family support, yellow for positive friends, green for mentors, blue for healthy activities or physical health, grey for generosity, purple for spirituality, and red for mental health. Students in the school building may see various posters that explain a specific Source of Strength in more detail.

Also, remember that May is Mental Health Awareness month. Take some time in the coming days to reflect on your mental health and the health of those around you, and remember that there are many resources provided by the Guidance Office to assist you in taking inventory of or improving your mental health.

Again, wear your colors of the wheel on Tuesday, May 25th, and Friday, May 28th, and be proud of your Sources of Strength!