“Graham Latinam Clava”


By Sarah Ali

Latin club is a club that is designed to explore additional topics of interest to Latin students and to anyone who is interested in joining. “You do not have to be a current or former Latin student to join the club,” advisor Ms. Brodniki said. The club meets once a month with a different theme each month of the year and usually has fun activities that are Latin-based. 

During February’s club meeting, the Latin club members played a scavenger hunt after school. The students had to decipher clues about the famous Llatin lovers and locate the answers based on clues throughout the building. The winners for the scavenger hunt were Lexi Glaser, Jade Garcia Banks, and Alec Auzina, who were rewarded with a handmade gift bag by the Latin club officers. As for the other students who participated in the scavenger hunt, they were given desserts and chocolate fondue. During the meeting on the 9th of March, the club had a movie night and watched Hercules right after school at 2:45, along with a small fundraiser for the club that included a piece of pizza for a dollar. Students took part in an Easter egg hunt during the most recent meeting. Listen to the  morning announcements to learn about the next meeting.