District Poetry Reading


Williamsville high school students are invited to attend and participate in the District Fall Poetry Reading on Thursday, October 24. The reading will be held at South High School and several East English classes will be bussed to the event from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. It is the first of the two poetry events held by the Williamsville Central School District annually; the second isthe Poetry, Music, Art, and Dance Festival held in the spring.

The event will be enhanced by the attendance of Larry Desautels, a local poet whose works have been published several times throughout his career. A Buffalo native, Desautels teaches at the Nichols Upper School in the city, and will read some of his own pieces.

Many Williamsville students will present their own poems alongside Mr. Desautels in front of an audience of their peers from all three high schools. The opportunity to present poetry in front of an active and supportive audience is a great one, and interested students should speak to their English teachers to make sure they can get a seat at the event!