Monday, March 3, 2025

Taemin’s ‘Guilty:’ You Are the Voyeur

The prince of K-Pop has returned. Taemin, member of boy group SHINEE and soloist, returned with his fourth mini-album 'Guilty' following his conclusion of military service in April 2023, over two years after his previous release, 'Advice.'

The Rise of Blind Boxes

The latest trend in shopping is something akin to gambling—blind boxes. Around here, blind boxes are generally small capsules or bags that contain one of an array of mystery designs of an item.

Celebrating Día de Muertos

“Día de Muertos”, or also known as “Day of the Dead”, is a tradition that originated in the Mesoamerican region, and is still celebrated in countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, and Bolivia, spanning several centuries. This celebration unfolds from October 27 to November 2, dedicated to those who had departed from the world.

XDINARY HEROES: Breaking the Break

On Wednesday, October 11, K-Rock group Xdinary Heroes returned with their intriguing fourth mini-album, Livelock.

Coping With Stress Instead of Stressfully Coping

Stress has had a huge impact on all of our lives; whether it has been sending out college applications or studying for a major test, having extracurriculars pile up or trying to boost grades, these last couple of months have been stressful to say the least. If left unchecked, the stress will cause us to do more poorly in school and will shorten our lives, here’s some ways to deal with it.

Billboard’s Top Ten Songs of 2023

The end of the year grants the perfect opportunity to reflect on some musical hits of the year! The Billboard Year-End Charts rank music relative to their performance streaming across all platforms and for all genres. From these hot 100 songs, let’s take a look at the top ten songs of 2023!

Food For the Holidays: Recipes to Try Out

The holiday season is approaching, and many of us are planning to make seasonal desserts and food for their parties or family gatherings.  Sometimes, though, it’s hard to find a dish that all or most of your family members would like, so here at East Side News, we’re offering variations of different dishes that could make the holiday season just a bit more fun.  

Fun Things To Do Over This Holiday Break

The holiday season has finally come upon us, calling upon a new season of festive activities you can do with friends and family to pass the time and enjoy the celebrations.

Holiday Movies to Add to Your Watchlist

With the holiday season next week, free time is just around the corner--which means there’s time to watch a Christmas classic movie to prepare for the season.

Gifts to Spend Your Money on This Holiday Season

With the holiday season right around the corner, the gift buying season follows closely behind. Here are some ideas to get for the people in your life:

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