Tuesday, March 25, 2025

East’s Fall Favorites

To get a taste for how the East community likes the season of turning leaves, the East Side News surveyed students and faculty to learn their opinions of all things fall!

Drama Club Presents Murder on the Orient Express

With the Fall Play, “Murder on the Orient Express,” already having rehearsals, now is the perfect time to ask Mrs. LoVullo – the director – questions about this amazing performance only one month away.

Fantastic B-EAST-S and Where to Find Them – Homecoming Preview

Perhaps the only saving grace of school starting is that the first big event of the year, Homecoming, is coming up very soon! In gearing up for this year’s (partial) week of school spirit and events, let’s discuss what Homecoming ‘22 will entail for East.

Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?

Are we finally entering a “normal” school year? What even is that anymore? We are finally coming back to a year like the beginning of time, okay not really, more like back to freshman year for me.

The Case for Shorter School Days

In America, a typical school day is around 6.5 hours long. At East, school starts at 7:45 and ends at 2:45. Students have to wake up even earlier in the “bleary bruise” of the morning to catch the bus. However, this article will not focus on early start times

[VIDEO] Time for Exams: Are You Ready?

After two years, timed exams will be returning to Williamsville East in June 2022. The last timed exam was in January 2020, shortly before the school was shut down due to the pandemic.

[VIDEO] Is East Prepared for an Emergency?

East is a very unique school where some rooms have four walls and a door and some rooms have one wall and no door. Ms. Sweeney, who teaches math on the third floor, has an open classroom with one wall. Mrs. Creahan, who teaches art on the first floor, has only makeshift walls and no door. Mrs. Bedore, a Spanish teacher on the second floor, has three walls and no door. 

[VIDEO] Williamsville East Girls Varsity Lacrosse 2022

The East girl’s lacrosse team has had a very successful, and fun season this year. With a record of 9 and 7, they managed to win a lot while still making time for fun.

East Boys Swim Team Is Building Something Special

By Jackson Amenta This year the boys swim team season has been an exciting one. The relatively successful state meet marked the end of this...

A Review of School Safety Protocol at East

East is known for its open floor plan, but we should keep in mind that just like any other layout, it has both advantages and disadvantages to it. The no doors concept eliminates barriers that may prevent movement around the school with ease.

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