Passing the Torch: Mrs. Weitz


By Mrs. Lang

I was so honored and touched to receive the Torch from a woman as kind, hard-working and successful as Mrs. Schapp!  I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else from the bottom of my heart, for the congratulations about receiving the torch, but also for all the appreciation and kindness you have all expressed to me on a daily basis throughout the school year.

I can’t believe how lucky I am to work at the best school in the Williamsville District!

That being said, I know of so many hard-working people at East and it was very hard to decide who I could pass the Torch on to.

I finally chose someone who, from what I have seen in the IMC room, constantly updates her students copies, and is already preparing for the 2024 Next Generation Science Standards. She stays after school nearly every day, for years, to work on her classroom plans and science packets, and rarely took a day off until she had her daughter, Morgan, last year.  She is a fair and fun teacher, but also strict, who, after 19 years of instruction is still excited about the subjects she teaches. She  works with freshman and sophomore to teach them study skills beyond the science curriculum. She is so devoted and hard-working that she spends what little free time she has to lead our Science Olympiad team to an impressive number of regional wins and top ten placements in the State Finals every year.

Personally, I chose Mrs. Weitz to pass the torch to because I can’t imagine working a day here without her smiling face and happy attitude. If you don’t find her teaching in her classroom, you might find her anywhere in the school helping anyone or chatting with other teachers—she is friendly with everyone! Mrs. Weitz has been a wonderful teacher to work with and is one of my favorites!

Congratulations Mrs. Weitz! It’s well deserved and long overdue!