Silver Linings Playbook- a review


by Samantha Higgins

“Silver Linings Playbook” is a movie starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence along with Robert De Niro, Jacki Weaver and Chris Tucker as smaller roles. The movie highlights many issues including mental illness, family problems, gambeling addictions, etc. 

    Pat, Bradley Cooper, is the main character and the movie starts with him being released from the mental hospital after he beat up the man he caught his wife having an affair with. This leaves him with a restraining order and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The movie details his many struggles through recovery and trying to get back on his feet. 

    Upon his release he has a goal of getting his wife Nikki back. At a dinner with his friend he meets Tiffany, Jennifer Lawrence. Tiffany is also seen trying to recover from the trauma of losing her husband in an accident. They meet and seem to relate to each other, they instantly bond over things like medications they’ve been on which is something no one else in their lives relate to. Tiffany and Pat soon realize that they can both help each other with something.

    Pat wants to communicate with Nikki but due to the restraining order she has he can’t, but Tiffany can help him. In return Tiffany asks Pat to help her and compete in a dance competition- something she’s always wanted to do. They agree, Tiffany will deliver the letters Pat writes to Nikki if Pat learns the dance to compete. They practice together for months and begin to get really close. Their relationship can be seen growing from each time they see each other. 

    I liked “SIlverlinings Playbook” because it shows issues that are real and relatable to many people. It also had an emotional pull to it that made you become attached to the idea of the characters’ recovery from their traumas. Bradley Cooper in playing the role of Pat captured him very well, likewise Jennifer Lawrence playing Tiffany. Tiffany was portrayed as someone who was easily dislikeable because of her habit to push people away, Jennifer Lawrence showed this very clearly from her frequent tantrum-like behavior. 

    I think people of almost all ages and backgrounds could enjoy this movie. Some parts could have been considered mature for some ages. I rated this movie 8/10 flames because I think that some parts seemed dragged on. The movie was 2 hours long and that could be considered a fairly lengthy watch.  

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 8/10 flames