Williamsville East Blacklisted at Four Ivy League Universities As Students Fail to Follow ED Rules

Image: MBAwave.com

By Ayeza Shaur

As the Class of 2024 is finishing up their college application season, new information has been released by the Guidance Department. Due to many students failing to follow the proper rules for an Early Decision Application, many top Ivy League Universities have blacklisted Williamsville East High School. In a statement released by Guidance on March 14th, the schools claim that students violated the policy of only being able to ED to one school. Usually, when an individual decides to apply Early Decision to a school, it is a binding contract which cannot be broken. However, along with this, you are only allowed to apply ED to one school. “Unfortunately, it has been brought to our attention that many students decided to apply Early Decision to multiple top universities without our knowledge,” guidance claims in their statement. “As a result of these irresponsible acts, Harvard University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University have reached out to inform us that our students will not be considered for enrollment for the next ten years. We sincerely apologize for those that followed the rules and are being punished for the mistakes of others,” Guidance states. It has not yet been disclosed why these individuals applied to many universities, though Guidance clears themselves of any guilt–reminding parents of their meetings with the students in which they clearly informed and warned the students of this contract.