What’s Up with Girl Up?


    By Mariel Gousios

    Just like everything else in the school, clubs have been greatly affected due to the pandemic. Girls Up, a club connected to the United Nations designed to support women throughout the world, is one of the few clubs still running despite not being able to meet in person.  

    Coming up, in the spring, they’re going to be hosting a women in politics panel and learn coding. Everyone is welcome to join the panels and guest speaker events, even if you’re not a part of the club. 

    In the past, they’ve had various volunteering opportunities, such as sending valentines day cards for residents at assisted living places. 

    Colleen Meosky, Co-President of the club described how many different types of meetings they have such as “movie nights, discussion days, and guest speaker panels.”. Recently they’ve hosted a Wwomen in Ssports panel, with Kathy Twist, Helen Drew-Meosky, and Maddy Glab. The speakers talked about the different challenges and opportunities they’ve experienced during their sports careers. There was also a similar Wwomen in STEM panel. The panelists Danielle Fortier, Nell Meosky, and Ira Bhatia spoke on February 5th about their experiences in careers such as digital product design, tech healthcare, and psychiatric research. 

    Through zoom calls, this club was able to start running again. Ms. Fey-Daly, the club advisor of Girl Up, says that she wanted to keep the club running as a sort of “island of normalcy” during these disjointed times. Since last spring they’ve been planning so that the club could run for the 2020-2021 school year. Additionally, Fey-Daly said that her two amazing officers helped her get the club up and running because of how passionate they are about the cause. 

    Colleen Meosky says that everyone is welcome at Girl Up and that it’s never too late to join. Their only requirement to join is that you’re respectful to others. The club brings lots of positives, both to the community and to the members. Meosky added, “My fFavorite thing about the club is how we’re all able to support each other, ourselves, and girls all over the world who are facing struggles.” 

    Make sure to attend the women in politics panel and coding event coming up in the spring. To join the club contact one of the co-presidents, Amanda Ojeda and Colleen Meosky, or the club advisor Ms. Fey-Daly.