Seniors Still Planning to End the Year Strong


    by Sydney Fitzsimmons

    This year, many seniors are doubtful about the future, since Senior Prom is one of the biggest events of the year, and as uncertainty looms people are starting to ask questions. As of right now it is unsure if the event at the Statler Buffalo will proceed as planned due to the restrictions. We have had the venue and date reserved for the past two years and that is our intention, stated Co-advisor Mr. Hurley. There has been talk of planning a different end of the year senior bash, whether that is at the school or an alternate location we do not know. 

    We are raising money in hopes of a prom and post-prom celebration. Trying to bring together the senior class has been a key focus this year. A drive-in movie night is being held this month as well as a Pie-O-Mine fundraiser in April. Class officer Diana Stone mentioned, “A possible upcoming kickball tournament is in the works for this spring,” so stay tuned for that. Another clothing sale will be held in the near-future for senior apparel if you were not able to get some from the first order.There is also a community Padlet for seniors to add pictures from their high school experience. 

    Our senior class will continue to have Steering Committee meetings via Zoom; the links are located on WITS and the class Instagram to talk about the fundraisers, and what prom is looking like. Co-advisor Mr. Hurley stated that “we are ready to execute that plan if we are allowed…I believe that an event at Statler City is very unlikely.” The school is open to suggestions, and ideas for an altered prom. He also talked about how “There have been suggestions of renting a farm, a drive-in event or something at the East athletic fields. We are open to suggestions and welcome ideas”. 

    Overall, it is still uncertain whether we have prom; however, we do have ideas in the making, and for right now we can support our senior class through the Pie-o-Mine event in April.