Passing the Torch: Mr. McCluskey


By Mrs. Ieda

What an honor to receive the torch in November from Mrs. Kantz, whom I respect so much as a teacher and friend! Thank you, Amy, for your kind words of support.

One person immediately came to my mind as the next torch recipient, Mr. Tom McCluskey. Mr. McCluskey is one of the hardest working, humble, and fun-loving people I know. Few people realize that he is not full-time at East– he currently spends two instructional days at Casey MS and also runs the morning jazz band at North. Yet Mr. McCluskey is always here to make sure the Aud is set for a presentation or that students have what they need. I’m not sure how he does it! He might be employed here as a band director, but Mr. McCluskey is at every concert and evening performance as stage crew advisor. Because of his organization and expertise, things happen around here.

Mr. McCLuskey is well-loved among our students. We joke that he is like “the mayor”– always shaking hands, giving hugs, and greeting folks as he walks down the hall. Mr. McCluskey has a movie quote or song lyric for literally every situation. If you know him, though, he is kind and generous… and will literally give you his sandwich for lunch. I witnessed it!

So here’s a bit of spotlight to a guy who keeps East running so smoothly!

Congrats, Mr. McCluskey!