It’s Official: Mrs. Lanzone is Coming Back!

Art by Pen Fang

By Pen Fang, Angelina Tang, Eileen Wang

East’s beloved English teacher Mrs. Lanzone is returning to East for the 2024-2025 school year, following a year of teaching 7th graders at Heim Middle School. She will be teaching AP English Language, English 10A, and English 11A, much to the delight of suffering AP Lang students across the grades!

Mrs. Lanzone taught at East for 14 years before she was moved to Heim by the Williamsville Central School District Board of Education due to low enrollment and apparent “overstaffing” at East. The resulting chaos of trying to schedule everybody’s English classes this year, with many classes being gigantic (sometimes with more than 30 students!) and the lack of staffing resulting in teachers getting less free periods and being tasked with Commons and bathroom duty, has resulted in reconsideration. As such, Mrs. Lanzone will be returning to East for her 16th year of teaching, much to the excitement of many of her former students.

Mrs. Lanzone will also be returning as the co-advisor of the East Side News and reuniting with her fellow news buddies — and of course, ESN partner-in-crime Mr. Huber! To gear up for her return, the newspaper is planning big celebrations at the end-of-year events along with the June Coffeehouse. 

Her return has been met with much joy to say the least. With her effervescence and warm, caring personality, Mrs. Lanzone is more than just a teacher to all who know her; rather, she’s a trusted confidante, a ray of sunshine, someone students are comfortable ranting to about school stress and joking about Fishtopia, and a Disney and HARIBO gummy bears enthusiast!  

Newspaper Co-Managing Editor Pen Fang broke down sobbing at the Newspaper meeting upon hearing the news and ran to Editor in Chief Angelina Tang, who was in a similar state. Regarding Mrs. Lanzone, Deputy Editor in Chief Eileen Wang says, “She was — and is — such a huge presence in all of our lives, and she made all of our lives so much better. I’m so beyond glad she’s coming back!”

“It was really weird to walk into English Office and see the empty desk where she used to sit,” Pen adds. “I’m so glad she’s going to be back.”

“I miss Mrs. Lanzone so much. I’m so glad she’s coming back and I can’t wait to see her every day again!” Angelina says. She also jokes that “East was actively worsened by her departure.”

We eagerly await your return, Mrs. Lanzone! We love you!