Huber Endorses Hubucks: The Putzer Piece of the English Department

 A standard Hubuck. Image by Armita Rohani

By Armita Rohani

Many students have either seen or heard of the iconic “Hubuck,” an AP English Language project turned into a schoolwide craze. Many students have been keen on getting their hands on one of these limited edition Hubucks. 

“It’s crazy to see how fast they’ve taken off,” says the creator of the Hubuck, Armita Rohani. “I remember repeatedly asking Mr Huber for the headshot; now they’re the perfect tool for bribery.” Mr. Huber has recently announced that these Hubucks can be used as extra-credit on minor assignments, a $2 token during Coffeehouses, and, if you collect ten of them, a pass to skip his class for an entire period–with no repercussions.  

Unlike Putzer Pieces, Mr. Huber will not be distributing these during his classes. Instead, there will be several “Gary Markets” popping up around the school so that all students can get their hands on them. Buyers must be able to either answer a trivia question about Mr. Huber, or provide a fun fact about any other teacher in the school (must be verified by said teacher) to obtain one Hubuck. Limited edition Hubucks with Mr. Huber’s signature and Mr. Huber with a top hat and oracle are currently in production.

To combat inflation and the rise of unofficial Gary Markets, creators will only distribute 5 Hubucks per week and will be wearing official Hubuck merch, unavailable to other students. Cash bribery will not be accepted in these markets.

Students have been found to be supportive of this new system. “Hubucks have become the currency of the future. They are so easy to use. I love them so much,” says Natalie May.