Help Send Valentines to the Elderly


    Written by Colleen Meosky and Amanda Ojeda

    Quarantine has been difficult for everyone, but many seniors have been isolated in assisted living facilities since last March without the comfort of being surrounded by family. Entertainment is extremely limited with COVID-19 safety concerns, and it’s been a lonely experience. Additionally, residents have to eat in their rooms instead of spending time with their friends in the dining rooms.

    You can help these seniors by sending Valentines to them. Girl Up is making placemats for residents to have to go along with their meals on Valentine’s Day to brighten this time of the day for them. 120 of these Valentines will be sent to the Williamsville location of Heathwood Assisted Living. You don’t have to be in Girl Up to participate. The deadline for dropping off any placemats is Thursday, February 11th at 2:45. You may also mail placemats in, but the deadline for that is Monday, February 8th. Please review this slideshow to follow the guidelines and happy Valentine’s Day!

    Contact Amanda Ojeda, Colleen Meosky, or Mrs. Fey-Daly with any questions. If you don’t have our contact information, you can reach us through Instragram(@wehsgirlup).