Friday, March 14, 2025

Train under the Baltic Sea

By: Arya Prindipolu Finland and Estonia are looking into building an undersea railway tunnel to connect their capitals: Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland, which are...

Pataki and Graham Drop Out

By: Bryan Bacher Two days before winter break, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham announced on YouTube that he is suspending his campaign for President of...

American Justice is Unjust

By: Jordan Gaskin The American legal system is broken.  Within trials, truth is replaced by the ability and skill of a lawyer to deceive.  Judges...

Myanmar Elections

By: Anikeit Chanda Myanmar, formerly known as Burma stood poised to have its first democratic election since its independence from 50 years of military rule...

Terror for Refugees is Ongoing

By: Leena Sen As winter nears in Europe, the refugee crisis is ongoing.  It continues to be haphazardly dealt with.  Following the Paris attacks, as...


By: Claire Kim It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s...5G wireless? What was wrong with 4G? How is 5G even different? While many of us...

Republican and Democratic Debates

By: Ani Nrusimha These past two debates were the most important to date, as they will be the last before Iowa and New Hampshire have...

Google in India

By: Peter Zeng If economic growth is evaluated around the world, it is generally known that India is one of the fastest growing economies GDP-wise....

TIME Person of the Year

By: Harleen Kaur TIME released their annual person of the year along with their short list early this December. TIME released a poll allowing the...

Bioengineers Replicate Van Gogh’s Ear

By: Sherrie Chen Bioengineering is playing an important role in medical area. For instance, tissue engineers can graft layers of skin grown onto wound, helping...

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