Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Truth Behind the Death Penalty

By: Rebecca Jordan Jimmy Lee Gray of Mississippi died banging his head against a steel pole in the gas chamber where he was ordered to...

Nora Pillow Provides Snoring Relief

By: Gillian Marcus We’ve all been there; we all know that one person who snores so loudly that they often wake you up from your...

German Train Crash Kills 10

By: Sherrie Chen On Tuesday, February 11th,   two trains in Germany's southern state of Bavaria collided shortly before 7:00 AM local time. Police said that 10...

Zika Detected in China

By: Sherrie Chen China confirmed an imported case of Zika virus on Tuesday, February, announced by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC). The patient...

#Bellletstalk Sweeps Globe

By: Carly Recoon On January 27th Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and text messages lit up with the hashtag of #BellLetsTalk. The purpose of this message was...

Feeling the Bern Won’t Fix Everything

By: Wladimir Sarmiento As we all no doubt have realized by now, Williamsville East is, for better or for worse, a haven for liberal ideology....

The Injustice of the Wage Gap By: Anne Marie Jones

Say that both of your parents are lawyers.  If you were to compare their incomes, your father’s would be more.  Not because he necessarily...

Taiwan Earthquake

By: Peter Zeng Last weekend, on the Lunar New Year, Taiwan was struck by its biggest earthquake since 1999, killing 116. Most of the deaths...

Ben & Jerry’s Goes Vegan

By: Peter Zeng I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Unless you’re a vegan... until now. Vegans are people who choose not...

Why Animal Testing Should End

By: Rachel Xue Imagine being hooked up to a strange machine, having no idea what is happening to you, and being physically tormented. Imagine being...

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