The Pandora Papers: Financial Secrets of the World’s Elite Exposed
Millions of recently leaked documents, collectively known as The Pandora Papers, have uncovered the financial secrets of the world’s rich and powerful.
Global Container Shortage Hampers Global and Local Food Chains
As Southern California struggles with the labor crisis, more specifically, the port worker shortage, the rest of the country and industries are feeling the effects.
Murder, Persecution, and Other Inhumane Acts: Brazil´s President Bolsonaro Faces New Legal Hurdles
In a scathing 286 page filing about deforestation in the Amazon, Austrian not-for-profit environmental group AllRise is accusing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of “crimes against humanity” to the International Criminal Court.
Through the Looking Glass – Facebook’s New Smart Glasses
In May of 2014, Google released its cutting-edge smart glasses-- capable of recording audio and video from the user’s perspective, as well as connecting to the internet - in the form of what we now know as a dismal marketing failure: Google Glass.
A Significant Step for the Antimalarial Effort
People have suffered from malaria for thousands of years, with the first recordings of the serious disease being in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. It then heightened during the Roman Empire, due to major ecological changes that were caused by the rapid rise of deforestation. This brought up the question of how the disease is transmitted. Initial theories included, drinking swamp water, respiratory transmission from swamp vapors. This ultimately led to the draining of many swamps in the Roman Empire.
S.E.C. Releases Long Awaited GameStop Report
In January, GameStop’s share price dramatically increased as a result of investors on the forum WallStreetBets. Panic ensued, and there were calls for more regulation as retail investors demanded to be given back access to the market after Robinhood stopped trading the stock temporarily.
Pressures on Facebook Grow in Outage
On Monday, October 4, Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram experienced a prolonged outage. The five hour outage resulted in share prices dropping by 4.8%, decreasing Zuckerberg’s wealth by $5.9 billion. His current wealth is now $117 billion, making him the world’s sixth richest person, according to Forbes.
China Bans All Cryptocurrency Transactions
On Friday, September 24, China’s central bank, one of its most powerful institutions, continued its crackdown on crypto-currency as it released a ban on all transactions and mining. China is one of the biggest markets for cryptocurrencies, and the price of Bitcoin fell by more than $2000 after the announcement.
Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded for Work in Nervous System Discovery
Two scientists have received the 2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discoveries of molecular receptors that detect temperature and touch. Nearly two decades ago, David Julius, a physiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, used capsaicin, the ‘spicy’ compound found in chili peppers, to figure out how the nervous system responds to and registers changes in body temperature. His team searched for a certain gene that induces this response, finally locating it after scouring millions of DNA fragments. Simultaneously, in 2002, Ardem Patapoutian, a scientist at Scripps Research in La Jolla, California, independently discovered another receptor that responds to low temperatures. The discovery of these receptors cascaded into the identification of numerous other receptors for temperature change.
German Elections
When German chancellor Angela Merkel announced her intention to not run in the 2021 election two years ago, everyone knew it would be a defining event that would shape not only Germany's future, but the entirety of Europe’s.