Monday, March 10, 2025

Republicans squabble over Speakership in a Divided House

This past week, the victors of the 2022 midterm elections were sworn into their two year terms--just like the 118 times prior. However, this process was not one of routine; instead, it was marred with the failure to elect a speaker and almost persistent negotiation to get one. It wasn’t until early in the morning of January 7th that the house finally decided on who the next speaker would be: U.S. Representative from California's 20th congressional district Kevin McCarthy (R).

Congress Pushes Ban on TikTok

TikTok, the second most popular social media platform that 2/3 of teens use, has been banned from US federal devices as Congress passes a new bill restricting its access to government information. Officials are worried about the security threat this popular app poses, as user data, American interests, and locations can be easily accessed by the Chinese government.

Drug Deaths Spike Among Elderly Americans

The CDC reported a surprising spike in drug-related deaths among elderly Americans late November.

Biden Administration Delays Deadlines on Environmental Regulations

On January 4, the Biden administration announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be missing several self-imposed deadlines in March 2023 for making major environmental standards. If delayed for too long, these regulations could be vulnerable to future legal challenges.

People of Buffalo Unite Together Amid Historic Winter Blizzard

It is without doubt that the Bomb Cyclone of 2022 will go down in history as one of the most catastrophic and devastating winter storms the city of Buffalo has ever faced.

High School Afghan Girls Now Permitted to Take Graduation Exams

The Taliban government announced that Afghan girls will be allowed to take their graduation exams, but many young girls are confused as to how they could possibly take the exam with the expectation to do well, when they have been locked out of classrooms and have had no access to textbooks and the curriculum required.

Volodymyr Zelensky Named Time’s Person of the Year

TIME Magazine's person of the year was given to Volodymyr Zelenksy, president of Ukraine.

Trump Organization Found Guilty on All Charges

Two Trump Organization companies, The Trump Corp. and The Trump Payroll Corp. were found guilty on all charges concerning tax fraud and falsifying records in connection with a 15 year plot to defraud tax authorities.

Congress Protects Same-Sex Marriage

On Thursday, December 8th, the U.S. Congress passed the Respect for Marriage Act, which protects one’s right to same-sex marriages. It is a landmark law that repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and is a huge step forward for LGBT equality and rights in the United States.

The Impacts of Climate Change on Rabbits

We all know the impacts climate change has on polar bears, pandas, and bees, but there’s another animal it has an important effect on that doesn’t receive nearly enough publicity: rabbits.

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