The Mystery of Duplessis Orphans
20,000 is considered a large number. To count from 1 to 20,000 would take you approximately five hours—twenty thousand seconds totals to 5 hours, 33 minutes, and 20 seconds. Now imagine the number 20,000 in people. East itself instructs around 1,050 students; 20,000 people would fill East 19 times and then some. Imagine we removed 20,000 people from East Amherst. Over 80% of the town would be gone.
The Rising Sun Flag: A Symbol of Oppression
Although it remains popular in modern Japanese culture, the Rising Sun Flag also reminds people from other Asian countries of the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Military against their ancestors.
International News: A Recap
By Maler Suresh
Right now, we are living through an extremely unique part of history. Two globally relevant events are unfolding right before our eyes....
Israeli Protests Against Netanyahu
On April 19th, Israelis protested what they saw as a corrupt government using drastic measures to contain the coronavirus. After Benny Gantz, former leader of the centrist Blue and White party, joined Benjamin Netanyahu to form a unity government, leader of the right-wing Likud party, protestors accused Gantz and Netanyahu of destroying democracy in Israel.
Why Animal Testing Should End
By: Rachel Xue
Imagine being hooked up to a strange machine, having no idea what is happening to you, and being physically tormented. Imagine being...
Daniel Purizhansky’s Exclusive Analysis on the Catalan Referendum
Catalan Referendum: Explained
By Dan Purizhansky
On October 1st, 2017, the people of Catalonia voted in an independence referendum favoring the creation of a Catalan state....
Coronavirus Outbreak
By Thza Kanapathipillai
The Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has been detected in at least 108 countries, and the number of cases have dramatically increased since the...
Update: Turkey invades Syria
Last we left Turkey, they had launched an operation into Syria to drive back Kurdish forces. The Kurds, an ethnic group of people who ...
Naiem Asadi’s Desperate Situation
But like thousands of other Afghans and Iraqis who served with the United States, Asadi has yet to be allowed across America’s border.
Leaked documents reveal Muslim detainment camps in China
For at least the past 3 years, Chinese authorities have been detaining minority Muslims of northwestern China (the Uighurs) to harsh labor camps...