Thursday, March 6, 2025

Extra Time or No Time?

During this time of the coronavirus and quarantine some are left with a little bit more extra time than they previously would have had. Therefore, for those individuals it allows for an opportunity for them to try new hobbies and activities that they may have always wanted to try but never had the time to. I decided to ask a range of individuals about their free time during this unprecedented time and what they have been doing to fill it. Upon interviewing many different members of the community, I found some similar findings.

Quarantine: An Athlete’s Worst Enemy

This shutdown was put into place right at the beginning of the spring sports season, thus taking away many students' last high school playing season. According to the Help Guide, playing a sport can reduce anxiety and stress and also improve sleep habits. Granted, everyone is going through stress at this time, but having a sport taken away from a student could possibly increase anxiety. Not to mention, student athletes already had higher stress levels from having higher expectations being put upon them to not only perform well in their sport, but also continue to do well in school.

New Hobbies during School Closure amidst the Pandemic

Students at East High were put into distance learning almost without warning. Many students found that at first they had more time than they knew what to do with. The ones without essential jobs at grocery stores ended up finding hobbies to pass the time productively outside of online school work. Seniors lost the opportunity to have their final high school plans come about, which upsetted many, but the situation is understandable considering the gravity of the pandemic.

How COVID-19 Has Changed Jobs

As a student I have a good idea of how schools got affected by this virus. We now do all of our work online through Google Classroom, Zoom, etc.. Most teachers have been giving out assignments to review over the past year, and some have started to teach again but only by giving small assignments. Administrators have been talking with their superiors non-stop for new developments and cases. And the students have been caught middle. From one Zoom meeting to a Google Meet, from one assignment to another, students are being loaded with work that may not be hard, but takes time.

Does Social Distancing and Isolation Hurt More Than it Helps?

During this confusing and scary time where some may say that even going to pick up a prescription entails risking your life, millions of people have began to practice what is known as social distancing. This term generally means doing what one can to slow the spread of a disease- in this case covid-19. I conducted interviews with three very different people to get their input of just how helpful social distancing and isolation may or may not be.

Coronavirus and End-of-Year Exams

Coronavirus has shaken up virtually everything in our society, from business to general social life. School systems nationwide have been hit especially hard, with...

Catching up with East students

These days there seems to only be one thing in the papers, on the news channels, and on everyone’s minds: COVID-19. From quarantine memes taking over social media to TV show hosts turning to YouTube, we can see how there is a collective effort to bring about a sense of normalcy along with doing the best we can to help people who have been affected by the pandemic. With schools closed and activities cancelled, we decided to turn to our very own Williamsville East students to see what they are up to and hear what they have to say about the situation.

Sibling Interactions Different Under Quarantine

By Colleen Meosky There’s no doubt that siblings can make life harder. I can fully attest to this fact with six siblings of my own...

A Behind-the-Scenes of the Social Studies Department

By Elise Yu Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” Here at Williamsville...

Wait! This Article Could IMPACT You!

By Sarah Brunskill You have to take the impact test again? Every Williamsville East athlete has taken the grueling impact test before their sports...

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