Expand the Supreme Court
There is no doubt that the Supreme Court must be reformed or face loss of all credibility. The ideological composition of the Court is no longer in line with that of the United States which is roughly evenly split between liberals and conservatives.
Olivia Rodrigo’s Originality: Intimidation and Inspiration in the Music Industry
Despite the immense success of Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour album, critics have pointed out some songs that sound reminiscent of other artists. However, as music is a creative field the story may not be that simple.
Olivia Rodrigo’s Unoriginality
2021 has been a great year for the singer and former Disney Channel star Olivia Rodrigo. While her fans may believe that her music and style are original, it is easy to see that she plagiarizes almost everything she does.
It’s 4: A Detailed Analysis of the Funny and Popular Joke
If you’ve been attending Williamsville East recently, you may have caught wind of an unorthodox combination of words: “It’s 4!” (or sometimes just “4”). But what does it mean and where did it come from?
The Pain Caused By Your Vacation to Hawaii
Hawaii is often known for being one of the most popular US states to visit among tourists, and it’s a destination that is high up on many people’s bucket lists. But is that tourism wanted in the first place by Native Hawaiians?
Start the New School Year with These Helpful Tips
Getting your game together for a new school year can be a great experience. With everything that’s going on, it’s important to be current with your work, but make sure to square away some time for having fun and meeting new people.
Students Return to Find a New, New-Normal
Let’s Zoom out and take a look at this year. We are back in the building, masked up, and ready to get back to normal. I sent out a survey and students added some input on how getting back into “normal” is for them.
Why Politics Do Belong in the Classroom
Source: timesofindia.com
By Maler Suresh
Gen Z is on track to be the most diverse, educated, and socially active generation yet. We are growing up against...
Something Special: A Letter from the Editor in Chief
By Philip Baillargeon
On a brisk September day in 2017, I wrote my very first article for the East Side News. I remember it very...
Ranking the 21st Century Presidents
By Ryan Chou
In the first 21 years of the 21st century, America has gone through five presidents: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama,...