by Steph Wetzel
I’m so bad at packing before I travel, do you have any tips to stay organized and relieve the stress of traveling?
Personally, I don’t travel very often, but I know that a lot of people do. I would think of it like staying organized for school. You have a specific binder or folder for each class; have a specific section in your suitcase or bag for each item you need. I would also suggest making a list of the things you will need.
I have a hard time falling asleep at night, how can I fall asleep faster and not end up staying awake till 3 am?
Typically if you can’t fall asleep at night it means you have something on your mind. Try to clear your head as difficult as that may sound. Listen to music, drink tea, do whatever you have to do to relax. If worst comes to worst, count sheep.
My parents cancelled Netflix, how do I cope?
You could either watch seasons of certain shows that are on television right now, or record episodes if you don’t have time to watch them during the week. If all else fails, beg for them to get it back.
Do you have any suggestions for spring break traveling? I’m trying to convince my parents to take my friends.
You could suggest going on a road trip with your friends, or tell your parents that all your friends would pay for their own plane tickets if necessary.