GSA Provides a Safe Space For Students


By Bella Cameron

GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club is for LGBTQ+ students and allies all around Williamsville East. The club is advised by Mrs. Schapp. It is a safe place to be yourself and meet others who share a community. In this club, students watch movies with LGBTQ story lines, learn about LGBTQ celebrities, and more. 

Schapp said, “The most important thing that takes place at our meetings is bonding and having a safe environment to talk openly.” They meet on Fridays in room 312. These meetings usually last around an hour. “We are always looking for new members.” Schapp encourages students to come to Friday meetings in hopes to expand the club. 

When speaking with President River Laspesa about their goals for the club, they stated, “I think there is kinda like a stigma around GSA. We are hoping to break that.” The club encourages for LGBTQ+ students to join, and they want to promote that their club is a safe space. 

In their last meeting, members discussed their opinions on the upcoming guest speaker that will be at the school March 25th. Mahila Lowell, a Drag King who goes by the name of Christian Gaye, will be visiting to share stories about her struggle with mental health, and how performing and becoming Christian Gaye helped her with some of it. 

Co-President Mia Miller said, “I’m excited to see the speaker coming in because of their experience and willingness to share.”  She also said,  “It’s great to hear the perspectives of other members of the community.”