Scheduling Tips for Freshmen


By: Nikitha and Jaiha Lee

Scheduling Tips for Freshmen

DO READ THE COURSE CATALOG THOROUGHLY! – There might be classes that are being offered which you don’t know about! Also be sure to read the short descriptions of the courses and think about whether it is something that will interest you.

DON’T hesitate to ask upperclassmen! – If there are courses you are planning to take and want to know more about them, or something seems interesting but you have no idea what it is about, there are always upperclassmen you can depend upon to answer your questions. Try asking someone who is currently enrolled in that class or someone who has taken that course about their experiences.

DO challenge yourself, but know your boundaries – It is always good to challenge yourself by taking harder classes like advanced courses and APs, but also know what you are capable of. A poor grade in an honors class is not necessarily better than a good grade in a regents class. It’s still a bad grade.

DON’T overschedule! – As a freshman, you still have 3 years at East. There might be several classes you really want to take, but trying to fit them all in one year may cause unnecessary stress. Consider having a free period for lunch or to get some homework done. However, also have an idea of the classes you want to take over the next couple of years so that you don’t keep them all for senior year!

DO take the recommendation of your teachers and guidance counselor into account – If your teacher’s recommendation reflects something different than what you have in mind, talk to them about how you would do by taking a harder class. But ultimately, you are the best judge of your capabilities. So if you think you can handle the work, go for it!

DON’T take classes just because your friends are taking them – As much fun as it is to have friends in your class, don’t feel pressured to sign up for a class you may not enjoy. Instead, if there’s a class that catches your eye, feel free to try something new. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you might make new friends and meet people who share the same interests as you!

DO keep in mind the graduation requirements – In order to receive the Regents Diploma, you must obtain certain credits to graduate, including those in the arts, languages, and health, in addition to other electives. There are also certain other requirements for the Advanced Regents Diploma which can be found on the course catalog.

DON’T hesitate to talk to your counselor about summer school – Summer school is always a good way to either get ahead in your classes or to get your health credits. So if you are not planning to do anything over the 2 month break, summer school is a great option.

And remember, the guidance counselors will try their best to include all of your classes into next year’s schedule. So even if you aren’t able to take some of the classes you would’ve liked, you still have three more years to make the most out of your high school experience!