Winterfest Auditions


Picture2By: Garrett Speller

It’s that time of year again, when the snow begins to fall, and the music wing braces itself for the next annual winterfest, beginning with the infamous winterfest auditions. For those who don’t know, acts who want to perform in winterfest have to first play for the music wing teachers, who then choose out of the acts played to form the concert. A new feature to the auditions this year is the option to take the audition early on the days before thanksgiving break. However, this is not recommended as groups have less time to practice. Audition slots are limited, especially in the highly coveted days after thanksgiving break, so if you are planning on doing something for winterfest, get down to the music wing and sign up before time runs out and all the slots are taken. Winterfest is such an amazing production, and being part of it is really a once (or four times) in a lifetime thing.