Winter Brings New Season of TV Shows


As the temperatures and the leaves begin to fall, we are reintroduced to some of our favorite shows, and reunited with some of the characters we seem to know and love. With new seasons come new dynamics, new problems, and, in some cases, new drama.


One show that seems to captivate more and more people with every season is The Vampire Diaries. Airing Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. every week, we get another look into the life of Elena Gilbert. We watch the love triangle unfold among Elena and the brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The season is a little different from the previous ones, with the Mystic Falls students out of high school and beginning their college experiences. The regular group faces problems outside of their regular teenage drama, namely Silas, one of the most powerful immortal supernatural being on the planet. “The show is so amazing and interesting,” says Alaina Wheeler (junior). Many others think the show is just that amazing, with season five raking in an overall 52% increase in viewers. The Vampire Diaries is definitely a show to keep an eye on.


Thrilling shows that are more chimerical than realistic are not for everybody. One show that some seem to be interested in is House Hunters. Aimed at older viewers, House Hunters follows young couples and families deciding which houses are truly right for them. Airing every weekend at 9:00 p.m., you can watch the struggles of finding the perfect home, whether it be for a lack of connection or finances. Mrs. Ehmann says, “I don’t know if a lot of kids here would enjoy it, but I love watching House Hunters.” Maybe if we tried House Hunters for an episode, we would be just as enthralled.


Whether you have seen these shows before, or you are looking for something completely new, The Vampire Diaries and House Hunters are good shows to dive right into. Take advantage of the cold weather, and try these shows out.