Ways to Get Involved


eastlogo-redBy: Gillian Marcus

It’s that time of the year again.  Seniors stress about college applications, desperately wishing they got more volunteer hours and participated in more activities to get into their dream university.  Yet while some people get involved at East only for the résumé, clubs are supposed to be about having fun, meeting friends, and making your high school experience incredibly worthwhile.  After all, you’ll only experience it once.

Fortunately, Williamsville East offers a variety of ways to get involved in the form of clubs and sports.  More information about these activities can easily be found on the WITS home page.  One of the clubs East offers is Yearbook Club, where you help create East’s massive yearbooks.  Mrs. Kramer runs it; one example of what you can do is take pictures for it.  If you really enjoy language, why not join Spanish Club, French Club, or Latin Club?  Unity in Diversity is another club that is dedicated to appreciating and learning more about other cultures through dance, singing, and other creative endeavors.  Mr. Huber is the advisor.  Every year, Unity in Diversity holds an amazing show for the entire school to watch.

There’s also Book Club, where you read and discuss books together.  Carl Wilken, the only American to stay in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide, is coming to speak at East on October 26. Book Club will be reading his book I’m Not Leaving.  If you’d like to gain more of a background on his life, Book Club is a great way to do that!  Lastly (yet certainly not least), there’s Newspaper Club, which is run by Mr. Huber and Mr. Maciejewski.  This club meets after school on Wednesdays.  It’s a great way to express your opinions and write fun articles for the East Newspaper.  In addition, Newspaper Club holds “coffee houses”, or fun shows at East that showcase the talent of students.  Fresh food is made and sold while various acts and performances take place.

If you have the dedication, you can also run for class office.  It’s a great way to support Williamsville East and brainstorm fun ideas to incorporate here.

If you want to do an activity on Thursday after school but you have a conflict since you’re in another club on Thursday, don’t fret!  You can talk to the advisors and alternate which club you go to each week.  You can also visit one club for fifteen minutes and then go the other one for fifteen minutes.

However, you can also get involved outside of school.  Amherst YES is a great way to sign up for various activities and help make a difference in the world.  You can volunteer at soup kitchens, libraries, and other places to help out.

It’s important to know that it’s never too late to join a club or activity.  Junior Nicole Kazmierczak says, “I wish I got involved earlier in my high school career.  I missed out on so much fun in all of the clubs I’ve recently joined!”  Even if it’s halfway through the year, and you feel it’ll be too “awkward” to join, clubs are always looking for new members.  It’s important to get involved, especially since we have so many magnificent opportunities here at East.   It’s a great way to make new friends who have the same interests as you, and the experience and memories you’ll end up making will be unforgettable.