TV Review: The Walking Dead *Spoiler Alert*


By Eisa Hashmi-97ccf1d1-0af1-444b-b35e-11e9db43314f

The Walking Dead, love it or hate it, has returned. The polarizing show has come back with a season premier to satisfy die hard fans as well as regular TV watchers.  Full of action, suspense, and drama that we actually care about, “No Sanctuary” proves that season six will be one of the best.

We return at Terminus, the sanctuary that proves to be anything but. On the last episode of season five, we have Rick and the group being imprisoned by the people of Terminus. He rejoins with Maggie and Glenn as well as a few new faces and delivers that epic line, “They’re screwing with the wrong people,” to hint that they will fight back against the potentially cannibalistic people of Terminus.

The opening of episode 501, “No Sanctuary,” answers many questions that season five left for the audience such as where is Carol, how will they get out of this, and are the Terminites really cannibals? We open on the group locked in a train car making makeshift weapons out of belt buckles, pieces of wood, and other random pieces of clothing and gear that is still left on them.

Glenn, Rick, Bob, and Daryl along with three other random survivors were taken to a room where the season’s first amazing visual effects were shown.

After the haunting display of gore, we are treated to a thirty minute action sequence involving explosions, gunfire, and of course zombies. It is here where we see Executive Producer, Greg Nicotero’s visual effects talent shine with some of the best zombie kills ever put to TV or film.

Episode one of season six was an explosive and exciting start to the sixth season of The Walking Dead. “No Sanctuary,” proves that season six will be a more action packed and exciting season with little to no boring and unnecessary exposition.