Tried and True Tips for the Fantastic Academic Year


By Angelina Tang

Summer has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and we’re back to classes, homework, studying, and tests. It may seem intimidating, especially as you start taking more difficult coursework, but here are some tips for helping you stay on top of it if you want to excel this year, coming from a senior who has had a pretty sweet academic track record.

Most important of all is keeping track of deadlines and staying organized. Have a planner! Whether it’s a physical or digital one, keeping track of assignments and having a to-do list every day can help you stay productive and reduce stress, according to Dr. Barbara Markway ( You might even opt to use your planner to keep track of exercise, or use it to schedule self-care to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself. Best of all, planners keep you accountable for tasks you didn’t complete–if you didn’t finish the homework, then don’t cross it off! There are no downsides to having a planner, and it is genuinely baffling how some students get by without one. You could buy one at the school store, or you could go to Target or Amazon. They’re affordable and offer invaluable benefits.

In addition, make sure you don’t procrastinate. Complete assignments as they’re given, not according to the due date. Do your homework before you relax, and turn off your phone while you’re studying. If you want to do well in school, you need to have your priorities straight. Procrastination does nothing but create unnecessary stress, cause you to forget assignments, and force you to rush and turn in low-quality work. If you’re very busy with extracurriculars, make sure you have a game-plan and take advantage of free periods to do work in school.

This one should be a given, but study! Studying is important for overcoming the forgetting curve. By using effective study techniques like blurting and the Pomodoro timer, you can study smarter, not harder. Find something that works for you! Everyone will prefer different things. Whether it’s handwriting the notes, actively reading the textbook, or creating fun ways to remember things, find out what helps you learn. Most of all, ensure that you’re not just memorizing words, but rather understanding the things you’re studying. This is especially true for math formulas and science.

Finally, make sure you take time for yourself! Whether it’s hanging out with friends, baking, enjoying a hobby, or going out, self-care and mental health are key to maintaining your personal well-being. Take care of yourself, and you’ll be in the right mental state to learn and genuinely enjoy being in school. Have a great year!