1. Playing Video Games

By Cal Shifflet 

Not going to school anymore makes seeing friends very hard so every day me and around 10 friends play video games together. We play from our houses to maintain the social distancing and quarantine restrictions. We can talk to each other because we all have microphones so it is a great way to stay in touch and also have fun together. Another good thing about it is it keeps you occupied because it helps to pass time. Playing video games can also be very beneficial; they can improve communication skills, problem solving skills, and increase creativity. If you’re not a big gamer then try downloading new apps on your phone. Some games I recommend are NBA2k and Fortnite. 

  1. Exercise

By Bryan Turton

Since we don’t really have much of an excuse to get out of bed or off of the couch, it is a good idea to stay active. Doing things as simple as going on daily walks, or walking up and down the stairs a couple more times is a great way to stay in shape. If you are able to, you can do at home workouts which are basically at the tip of your fingers since we have access to youtube and various workout and fitness apps such as Fitplan, Sweat, FitOn, and many more. You can also order weights or a yoga mat online so you don’t have to go to the store.

  1. Educational Activities

By Mikaili Rodriguez

Not being able to go to school has a big impact on your education and the way you learn, so doing things such as reviewing old units, and practicing basic concepts that you learned during the school year will help you not completely forget all of your curriculum. To keep up with work and be ready for next school year I suggest going to class Zoom meetings and taking review and homework seriously. The College board offers live classes and demonstrations online for those of us in AP classes. In addition, you should be checking your WITSmail and google classroom for any work assigned to you. Also, I know some of us don’t enjoy reading, but now might be the time to pick up a book or e-book since we all have nothing but time on our hands.

  1. Reorganization 

By Mikaili Rodriguez

 Now that we have no choice but to stay in our homes, due to social distancing, things like organization can help pass time for when you are bored and help reduce stress. Cleaning and reorganizing can also help you from going stir crazy. I know that I’d rather sit in a clean and organized space over a cluttered mess while I’m stuck inside. You can reorganize things like the apps in your phone/ computer, closet, school work, collections, bedrooms and so on.  Amazon is still shipping out packages at the same rate as usual so now might be the time to utilize Amazon Prime. You can order different organization tools like shelves or shoe racks. Adding onto reorganization, you can begin to declutter and get rid of old clothes or anything you don’t really need anymore to make more space for all the new items you’re ordering from Amazon.

  1. Group FaceTime 

By Kristen Lee

Group facetime, chats, and calls have become more popular in these past few months. Since the shut down of New York State schools and businesses and the emphasis on social distancing, it has become increasingly difficult to see friends and family. Group facetime is a great way to stay in touch without breaking social distancing, quarantine, and waiting for the virus to end. There are many different apps other than Facetime that can be used to make group calls such as Skype, Zoom, and House Party. My parents started to use Zoom to talk to other parents from my soccer team since they can’t see each other at tournaments and games anymore. Many others eat dinner together with relatives and celebrate birthdays together using group facetime. If you haven’t already, you should go give a few people a call and chat with them.