Time to Chill: 30 Things to Do This Fall For Relaxation

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By Angelina Tang

Everyone needs to take some time off for themselves this busy fall season! If you have downtime, here are some ideas for how to spend it in a way that doesn’t involve doom-scrolling and promotes healthy habits.

1. Pick apples! There should be some left in early October.

2. Take a relaxing drive–before it gets too cold!

3. Figure out your Halloween costume.

4. Learn how to make your favorite soup on a cold day.

5. Go get some apple cider donuts! Smith’s has good ones, but expect a long line.

6. Rake up the leaves! It’s relaxing for some of us.

7. Go to the craft store and find a craft to do. I recommend wreaths.

8. Do a jigsaw puzzle.

9. Drink some hot cocoa and relax with a video game.

10. Get some halloween decorations.

11. Get cold boba for the last time this season!

12. Ride your bike outside before it gets too cold.

13. Put up some new posters in your room! Or just decorate in general.

14. Pick and/or carve some pumpkins!

15. Get some Paula’s donuts.

16. Curl up in a comfy sweater and read something for fun.

17. Try an at-home workout. There are great ones on Youtube.

18. Go out with your friends and treat yourselves–to coffee, a Target run, anything!

19. Make some instant noodles and watch an episode of your favorite show.

20. Go to Taste of East and the bonfire! It’s some of the best fun of Hoco week.

21. Go to the movies with friends!

22. Light some candles!

23. Visit the Farmer’s Market! North Tonawanda’s is great.

24. Go bowling! They’re still renovating Transit Lanes, but they are open.

25. Take a nice nap.

26. Reorganize your desk and closet to prepare for winter!

27. Remember to make food with your family for Thanksgiving!

28. Forage for pinecones. You can paint them and keep them for winter decor.

29. Go get something pumpkin spice-flavored at your favorite coffee shop!

30. Get a sunlight simulation lamp to help the serotonin levels once winter hits.

Have a great fall!