TikTok Trend 
Disguised As Check Fraud 

Source: Money

By: Saanvi Sharma 

This past weekend, a video went viral on TikTok, showing what appeared to be an easy way to get “free” money through a Chase Bank ATM glitch. The so-called “hack” involved writing yourself a check, depositing it, and immediately withdrawing a large sum of money. The video attracted many people, promising a quick and easy way to get rich. However, this so-called hack was nothing more than check fraud.

Here’s how the scam worked: people wrote a check for themselves for amounts they didn’t have in their accounts. Normally, when you deposit a check, the bank ensures you have sufficient funds before allowing withdrawals. However, the alleged “glitch” supposedly bypassed this process, allowing users to withdraw money instantly without waiting for the check to clear. As word of this spread across social media, many people attempted it, believing they’d found a loophole to get rich fast.

However, it didn’t take long for things to fall apart. The individuals who participated quickly realized that Chase, like any bank, has the ability to track all transactions. While some closed their accounts after withdrawing the money, thinking this would make them untraceable, they were wrong. Banks maintain detailed records, and the participants were soon identified. 

Chase Bank released a statement confirming the incident, saying: “We are aware of this situation and it has been addressed. Regardless of what you see online, depositing a fraudulent check and withdrawing the funds is fraud, plain and simple.” Those involved will be required to pay back the money they withdrew and face additional fines for their involvement in the scam. Some may even face jail time.

Many participants are now dealing with financial consequences, including debt, legal fees, and possible criminal charges. The fact that so many people posted about it on social media only made it easier for authorities to track those involved.

In conclusion, the Chase check “hack” is not only illegal but carries serious consequences. No matter how tempting or easy it may seem, not everything you see online is safe or legitimate. This incident serves as a reminder that shortcuts to wealth, especially those promoted on the internet, can lead to unwanted consequences that can affect you greatly, so it’s important to be smart with what you take in.


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