Thor or Loki? The Eternal Question

Thor vs. Loki - which Norse god is better?

by Harman Kaur

So the newest Thor movie came out, Thor: The Dark World, and of course it has brought out the dispute between millions of girls (and maybe some guys) about who is hotter, Thor or Loki? There have supposedly been millions of arguments and friendships broken over this question (I hope this isn’t true), yet after all these fights the question still hangs…who is hotter?! This remains one of those questions that are practically impossible to answer right along the question of who built those darn Stonehenge.

So lets see where the evidence stands in Thor’s end of the table, Thor is a blond hottie. He’s a God for God’s sake! If that doesn’t grant him major points in anyone’s notebook I don’t know what will. Loki is…well…he’s a frost giant. Chris is a chiseled hunk of a man who just likes to have fun. Throughout the movie Thor we always see him vying for a good time and who doesn’t like a guy that just wants to have fun? Loki on the other hand likes to follow the rules, he is also the brooding type of guys. He’s mysterious but not as fun as the Thor type guys. When it comes to learning their lesson Thor eventually learns humility therefore taking responsibility for his actions. Loki after losing his battle against Thor still acts like a petulant child, but that can be debated against.

Now it’s Loki’s turn to shine! One thing that everyone agrees on, whether you’re a Thor fan or Loki fan is that Tom Hiddleston is one good looking man. He has those piercing green or blue eyes (Depending on what movie or comic you are reading/watching.) and that adorable boyish face. He’s also not overly muscular, he’s muscular but more on the slim side, which at times looks better than Thor’s bulging muscles. Let’s admit it, Loki has the bad-boy, Severus Snape vibe going on. They both have the dark hair and somewhat pale-ish face, but Loki is more of a sad, self-loathing person on the inside but on the outside he oozes confidence and deep down he’s really just a good person- er, frost giant. If you are into the bad-boy brooding type then Loki is definitely your guy!

Okay, so Loki and Thor are both pretty even on the “Who’s hotter?” scale but what happens when you pit Chris Hemsworth (aka Thor) against Liam Hemsworth (aka Gale from the Hunger Games). Now this is something that doesn’t come up everyday. I don’t actually remember ever arguing about this with anyone. We have all had the Team Gale or Team Peeta argument *cough* Peeta *cough* but what about the brothers?! They are most definitely one the most good looking brothers in Hollywood but who would you choose? Both are amazing actors, there is no doubt about it. Chris was in Star Trek and actually beat out Liam for the role of Thor. Liam is currently is in the booming Hunger Games franchise.

Now here are the facts for the brothers. Chris, a surfer, hit the gym to put on 20 pounds of muscle just for his role of Thor. Liam on the other hand was chiseled but dropped 20 pounds so he could get the look of Gale, a hungry citizen of District 12. As people who like to give back they are both ambassadors of the Australian Childhood Foundation. They’re good-looking and good people.

Now all the evidence stands for both these face-offs. Who would you choose? Thor or Loki? Chris or Liam? Oh and FYI, there’s a third Hemsworth brother—his name is Luke.