The Solar Eclipse is Coming: What to Know

Source: WSAV-TV

By Charlie Levin

On April 8th, a total eclipse is coming to Buffalo, New York. 

A total solar eclipse is an extremely rare event. It occurs when the moon passes directly in the path of the sun to Earth, completely obscuring our view of the star. All that will be visible will be a corona, a ring of light that surrounds the moon. While a total eclipse is proven to happen every eighteen months, the rarity lies in the fact that it occurs at a specific geographical location about once every four centuries. Finally, this April, the long wait will be over and a total solar eclipse will occur in Buffalo.

However, not all will be fun and games. Because its path of totality is traveling through only a few spots, the US will be swamped with tourism we have never seen before. According to the Buffalo News, hotels in the region are expected to be booked full at least a month before the actual event occurs on the eight.

Traffic will also be unparalleled, rendering it very difficult to travel. Stadiums and popular parks will be filled, so it is advised to make a plan for viewing it in advance. 

Since totality will occur at 3:18 PM, some people would normally be in school, on buses or in cars, or at work. To accommodate, the Williamsville Central School District has canceled school and school-related activities for that day. 

The effects of this event will be felt community-wide, with animals acting as if it were night and automatic street lights turning on.

To watch the solar eclipse take place, special glasses will be needed. This is so, before totality, you can look at the sun and not burn your eyes. During totality, the sun will be fully covered, and you will be able to safely remove your glasses for about three and a half minutes.

Glasses will be provided by the Williamsville Central School District. Each student will be provided with two pairs of glasses appropriate for viewing the eclipse before spring break. 

Make sure to plan out a space to view the eclipse with good visibility so you can enjoy this amazing astronomical event!