The Food Article: East’s Ice Cream Social And More


As the new school year starts, there’s a lot of things we at Williamsville East look forward to. Meeting old friends, making new friends, the teachers that make the year enjoyable…and of course, free food. One great example of the last point would be the recent ice cream social, which took place outside the end of Student Street on the first Thursday of the school year. The sunny weather and the warm temperatures made the day perfect for the event. Officers from Williamsville East’s Student Council, who organize and fund the event each year, scooped ice cream for the dozens of eager students waiting in line. The ice cream was provided by Anderson’s, the standard vanilla and chocolate, with various toppings ranging from caramel drizzle to crushed M&M’s. After enduring the long queue of like-minded students for the cold treat, people drifted off into small clusters with their friends, chattering and unwinding after the day’s classes. Even some athletes, visible by their red and white uniforms, grabbed some ice cream to enjoy as a quick snack before the start of practice.

“The ice cream’s really good,” remarked one student as they finished their cup. “It was definitely worth the wait.”

Even if one has missed this particular food chance, there are still many other ways to get food (other than the cafeteria). The wise and hungry student keeps at least a couple dollars with them at school; many clubs and sports have bake sales, to raise money for their activities, but the stuff they sell is absolutely delicious. There is also the East Side Coffeehouse, at various points in the year, which offers live music and various foodstuff, including baked goods, hot drinks, and waffles. So keep an eye out for various advertisings of bake sales and coffeehouses, and have fun trying out all that East has to offer: academic and culinary!

By Claire Kim