Taste of East 2017


by Calvin Lee

“An army marches on its stomach,” said Napoleon Bonaparte, as he emphasized the great magnitude at which a well-fed army can change the outcome of any battle. The Taste of East, taking place on Thursday, 10/5 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Williamsville East High front parking lot, is our school’s opportunity to cram calories into our students so that we can succeed!

Your brain is the most complex organ in the body. It burns at least 20 percent of the energy that your entire body uses in a day. Although this characteristic is meant to give our species a mental edge over all other animals, it has the possibility to become a severe issue if one is underfed. Imagine you’re in the middle of a really important test. You didn’t study very much last night, which you now realize was a mistake. The only option you have left is to rack your brain and choose the best answer At this level of thinking, your brain uses about 15 gram calories a second. The point is, students of any age cannot afford to be hungry in any classroom or test-taking circumstance. A lack of calories severely impairs learning, leading to overall lower performances.

The Taste of East is an amazing chance for you and your brain to indulge in whatever you’re craving. The many food trucks and tables in the lot offer all types of foods, such as hamburgers, hotdogs, ice cream, pizza, soda, water, cookies, cupcakes, etc. In the past, we’ve had Lloyd’s tacos come just for our event. In addition to this, each club at our school, including our very own East Side News, sets up a special table for you to buy from in order to support the club. We have doughnuts planned for sale this year. It’s a great social gathering, so bring all your friends to take pictures of your food for your social media. There is also live music being constantly performed by our very own music wing students, so make sure to thank and congratulate them afterwards. Last year, there was a really big bonfire at the end. Our special president of the Paper, Garret Speller, when asked about his Junior year, said, “The Taste of East was the best part of Homecoming week!” The Taste of East followed by the bonfire is a major part of our homecoming tradition, so make sure to contribute to school spirit by showing up to these events!

This event is the biggest opportunity you’ll receive all year to break free from the heavy shackles of a diet and to eat all the foods you’ve been craving. Because we want you to keep buying tickets in order to support all the great clubs here at Williamsville East. If you want to support our delicious local cuisines as well as all of the amazing clubs at East, then come to The Taste of East on October 5th with your friends (details are on the WITS homepage)!